How MIND Works

clarity mind rrt Feb 16, 2024

If you can feel back into a memory, or if there is an emotion around something / someone from past...


Mind is a computer + there is a tab running.


Like having a hundred windows open on your phone + wondering why it's slow or you lack clarity...



Minds job is to keep you SAFE.



And it still is very much wired for primal instincts and survival..

It also speaks a different language than the conscious mind ..


So you could be saying "I want to make 300k in my business this year"


And mind immediately puts 300k as a THREAT.

Simply bc you used the word "WANT"


When you learn to move through the mental plane..

In a way that mind can understand..




The energy is cleared.


and CLARITY arrives!


This is the power of RRT.

We can clear things on the spiritual emotional and energetic plane (most of us) pretty easily..


But when the mental MIND is not on board...

It can be a constant loop


It's kind of like this..

Mind harvests energy from past experiences and emotions bc there is a "tab" running

So when the tab is closed, now all of the energy is freed and there is more clarity and mind can be in the present moment

(The majority of peoples problems are mind perceives we are in the past or the future... not the now)


Mental clarity creates

Emotional clarity

Creates energetic clarity

Creates spiritual clarity


How AMAZING is that?


Here are some tips when you are speaking in life and how to bring your mind to the present just with some WORDS


Save this for later 


  •  when you are explaining something say it as if it has already happened. So instead of "I am feeling lonely" say... "I have been feeling lonely". Subtle. But POWERFUL.


  •  when you are talking about things your manifesting don't focus on emotion "I just want to feel safe with money" (your mind just heard... money is dangerous run away from it) So the intention becomes.. "i am seeing myself taking a moment with each payment that comes in my account to say thank you. Breathing in the color yellow and out the color grey 3 times" now mind understands that. (It gets ACTION, not emotion)


  •  when you're setting an intention make sure the words "I want" or "it's important for me to" are NOT in there. Mind hears those as threats bc breathing and circulation are important... and it puts whatever it is as a life or death situation.


Want more on this language of the mind?


If you want to go deeper on this…

And create more CLARITY for yourself… 


I have a FREE attachment style quiz for you and MONEY.. 


( yes your patterns with money are stored in the nervous system )


see what yours are HERE.




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Two Step

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