How To Stack Your Income

income stacking income Jan 01, 2024

The fastest way to make MORE income

Is to STACK your income


Here are some of the easiest ways to start stacking your income + where to start FIRST.

ps save this for later!


First is MINDSET:


Stacking income means money is coming to you from MULTIPLE avenues.. which actually believe it or not.. can be really overwhelming for some people.


Think about it this way, when we've lived in a world where we made all of our income from ONE job... having money coming to you from EVERYWHERE can be "new" therefore a threat to your nervous system.


So to make this seem like "this happens all the time" to your unconscious mind do this:


Start to see all the ways RESOURCE is coming to you.

Resource flow comes to us in the form of LOVE, money, time, energy, connection etc etc.


My favorite way to do this is look at all the ways my body is ALREADY capable of receiving excess and multiple sources of one of these. 


My fave / easiest is ...

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