business consistency Feb 03, 2024

It’s 2024.

Time to normalize doing shadow work, having issues to deal with + dark nights of the soul and still..


Showing up CONSISTENTLY to serve your clients, your audience + your mission God gave you in life.


2023 was one of the HARDEST years for me in many ways.

I got told in May that I had 2 masses in my breast + because I almost died 2x in my twenties went into a SUPER dark place..

Started + ended 2 business partnerships

Had scary low months of recurring revenue that I hadn't seen in YEARS


And yet..


I still showed up.


Here's the thing.

When your business is about YOU and what

YOU need from it..


You won't show up to serve when it gets tough. You'll quit... or go so inward that it'll take a whale swallowing you whole + dropping you off in front of a group of people to remind you why you're here....


But when your business is the conduit for your calling..

When you are connected to the message you have and the calling is...

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