Coaching Hierarchy

I'm DONE with the hierarchy of coaching.


I don't need you to think I am subtly better than you to pay me 20k…

I want you to feel that I am here, on your TEAM.


To support you. 

To guide and mentor BESIDE you..

not IN FRONT of you.


Am I further along than you in business?


But you have a ton to teach me as well.


This reminds me of the one time.....


When I was about to co lead a team to Brazil for a few months...


The woman/ friend who was leading the entire school that I was staff on (for context I used to be a missionary. Now I am not religious... but there was SO much gold from that season of life + it shaped me into who I am today as a leader 100%)

Told me that I was going to lead the team solo for a few weeks.


I was 21... and had never led a team solo.... 

I had 7 people I was overseeing.


And she said, I trust you... 

I'm going back to Australia (where we lived at the time).

So she left.


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